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Paiste Pst 3 Universal Set (14″Hh/16″C/ 20″ R)


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SKU: 14162003 Categorías: ,



  • Size: 14″
  • Weight: medium top / medium heavy bottom
  • Volume: soft to loud
  • Stick Sound: dry, pronounced, slightly silvery
  • Intensity: lively
  • Sustain: medium
  • Chick Sound: soft, tight
  • Size: 16″
  • Weight: medium
  • Volume: soft to loud
  • Stick Sound: fairly washy
  • Intensity: lively
  • Sustain: medium short
  • Bell Character: integrated
Size: 20″
Weight: medium heavy
Volume: soft to loud
Stick Sound: balanced
Intensity: medium lively
Sustain: medium long
Bell Character: full, pronounced, fairly integrated


Información adicional

Peso 8 kg
Paiste Pst 3 Universal Set (14"Hh/16"C/ 20" R)
Paiste Pst 3 Universal Set (14″Hh/16″C/ 20″ R)